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ETT contributes mnt 1 trillion to taxes and reduces debt by another mnt 1 trillion

ETT contributes mnt 1 trillion to taxes and reduces debt by another mnt 1 trillion

Since the appointment of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government, the "Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi" (ETT) has experienced a remarkable surge...

The Cabinet discussed the issues related to Erdenes Mongol LLC and made the following decisions

The Cabinet discussed the issues related to Erdenes Mongol LLC and made the following decisions

The Cabinet discussed the issues related to Erdenes Mongol LLC and made the following decisions...

GoM sets up a special legal regime at “Erdenes Tavantolgoi” JSC for 6 months

GoM sets up a special legal regime at “Erdenes Tavantolgoi” JSC for 6 months

The Government of Mongolia (GoM) recently approved a resolution that would establish a special legal regime at #ErdenesTavanTolgoi JSC for 6 months, starting...

Mining products expected for export

Mining products expected for export

The bottleneck in mining exports could not be resolved in the first quarter and persisted in the second quarter. Export remains locked up even at the end of...

May the Chinese sky bless “ERDENES TAVAN TOLGOI”

May the Chinese sky bless “ERDENES TAVAN TOLGOI”

"Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi” is in a difficult situation, entering a barter deal to supply over USD 1 billion worth of coal in the next 2-3 years and repay MNT...