Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene: I am pleased that the Eg River Hydroelectric Plant project, discussed at the Eastern Economic Forum, is progressing

Mongolia's Prime Minister, Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, held a courtesy meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is on an official visit to Mongolia to mark the 85th anniversary of the victory at the Battle of Khalkh River.

During their discussion, Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai expressed his satisfaction with the active development of relations and cooperation between the two countries. He emphasized his intention to enhance the comprehensive strategic partnership through targeted projects and programs spanning political, economic, educational, cultural, and humanitarian sectors.

The Prime Minister also expressed his delight at the progress of the Eg River Hydroelectric Plant project, which was a key topic at the 7th Eastern Economic Forum.

Both leaders voiced their desire to establish a temporary free trade agreement between Mongolia and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to expand and deepen bilateral trade, economic, and investment cooperation.

They agreed that such an agreement would significantly boost Mongolia's exports of products such as meat, leather, wool, cashmere, carpets, and cement to the EAEU, including the Siberian region of Russia. Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai also emphasized the importance of the agreement between the two governments on cooperation in the supply of strategically important energy and oil products to Mongolia, noting this as a highlight of the Russian President's visit.

Additionally, the two leaders exchanged views on accelerating major projects and programs, particularly the Mongolia-Russia-China Economic Corridor initiatives, which include the development of the central axis railway, the establishment of an eastern railway corridor, and the creation of an international tourism zone.

Source: Government of Mongolia